Recycling at Sea Colony
Sea Colony recognizes the importance of recycling and helping protect our environment. Recycling helps to reduce energy costs, landfills and local sea life that exists right within our very beaches.
The simplest way to help protect our environment is just by looking at what you throw away and make a commitment to recycle more. You can also encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.
To better serve the needs of our community, we have nine recycling stations throughout Sea Colony. They are located:
Annapolis House Basketball Court
West Lake by Woodland View
Forest Hills Court
Singles Court
Pine Wood Drive
Round Robin Way
South Winds Lane
Lakeside Circle
Summer Shore Drive

Recycle Container at Round Robin Way
Recycling Facts
60% of trash could be recycled
Aluminum cans can be recycled endlessly
Aluminum cans can go from recycling back to store shelves in 2 months
Recycling one can saves enough energy to run a TV for almost 3 hours
80 billion aluminum cans are used each year around the world
If everyone recycled their newspapers, over 200 million trees could be saved each year
500,000 trees are cut down just to produce Sunday newspapers each week
Each American uses almost 700 pounds of paper each year – most of which is just thrown away
Americans throw away over 25 trillion Styrofoam cups a year
5 million plastic bottles are used in America every hour – most are tossed in the trash
Plastic bags in the oceans kill a million sea creatures a year
Every year, a billion trees worth of paper is thrown away
Enough wood and paper is thrown away each year to heat 50 million homes for 2 decades
Recycling one ton of plastic can save almost 2,000 gallons of gasoline
* Facts provided by National Recycling Coalition
Here are some links to help inform you on the proper way to recycle materials