This holiday season marks the 9th year Sea Colony owners have helped provide gifts and food cards to needy children and their families from Lord Baltimore Elementary School.
Thanks to the generosity of owners, the Board of Directors, and Sea Colony and ResortQuest staff, five families were helped last year. We hope to do the same this year. Locally, tags with “wish list” items are posted, and those items not donated are purchased and wrapped with donated funds. A group of incredible shoppers finds everything on Santa's list!
How to proceed? If you would like to make a monetary donation, please send a contribution made out to Sea Colony Recreational Association (or SCRA) - Holiday Help, Attn: Claudia Thayne, PO Box 480, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930, no later than December 5. The volunteer shoppers will purchase presents for the families, and there is a big wrapping party to get everything together. The LB students think the gifts are from Santa. While Sea Colony's participation is anonymous, the generosity of our community quietly helps local kids and their families. Thanks for your continued support.