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GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT – February 16, 2018

To Sea Colony Homeowners

From Tom Olson

What’s Happening at Sea Colony?

We began the New Year with a full 14-inch snowfall on Jan. 4th. High winds and frigid temperatures added even more challenge, but our maintenance crews responded quickly keeping all roads and walkways open for emergency access while monitoring buildings for freezing pipes. We hope we’ve seen the last snowstorm for the season as we’re already focusing on summer 2018 and the many projects to be completed before then. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new beach tram as we begin a multi-year program to replace and upgrade our aging fleet. The new tram features the latest diesel power technology, which should minimize breakdowns on this important summertime service. Also watch for improved signage at our crossovers to help guide visitors and enforce badge requirements.

Cable Transition Hits a Snag

We had hoped to be completing the transition from Mediacom to Comcast for television and internet services by now. Unfortunately it has become necessary to address contract issues within the Delaware court system. At issue is the Rec Association’s authority to represent owners in terminating the bulk service contract with Mediacom before completing the changeover to Comcast. The delays have been frustrating and very time-consuming. Our next court date is in April after which we’ll evaluate the most efficient method to complete the transition. The good news is that we do not expect any disruption in television reception or internet services for our owners. We’ll keep you posted on developments as they occur.

2018-19 Budget Reflects Your Advice

We’re completing details of the 2018-19 budget with final action scheduled for the Board’s March 17 meeting. In large measure, it reflects views expressed in our annual End-of-Season Survey. The budget takes effect on April 1, and there will be no increase in assessments. We’ll maintain most elements of our current program, with several enhancements. We’ll continue extended daily schedule for guarding the beach, we’re heating pools T-1 and T-2, and we’ll open the outdoor T-4 pool in April. Watch for bonfires and family movie nights on the beach, a return of bingo and the Dickens Parlour shows, and a full range of activities at Freeman Fitness Center. I mentioned the new tram, and “Tram Tracker" will be back this year to help you follow the shuttle. We’re also upgrading our Facebook presence, and we’ll be updating the website by late March.

Our Bountiful Beach – So Far

Our beach has weathered winter storms without incident, although we’ve taken the precautionary step of seeking to renew our state scraping permit should minor damage occur. The town of Bethany Beach will participate in beach replenishment this fall, but Sea Colony will not. Our beach was inspected, and our expert’s recommendation was to forego replenishment at this time. We continue to monitor conditions and will react as necessary to protect our valuable beach.

Freeman Fitness Center Stays Busy

Our winter programs are in full swing with Zumba, water aerobics, swim team practices, pickle ball and a variety or other programs. Michael Sabol, Facility Director at Pivot Physical Therapy, will be conducting a Free Arthritis Seminar on Wednesday, March 7, from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Fitness Center. He will explain arthritis, its causes and ways to treat it. This is open to Sea Colony Owners and Fitness/Tennis Members. Please call the fitness center 302-539-4511 to sign up.

The Annual Sea Colony Easter Event

will be held on Saturday, March 31, from 1 to 3 p.m. on the Edgewater Promenade. Come out for an afternoon of entertainment by the Juggling Hoffmans, plus Face Painting, cookies, an Easter Egg Hunt and of course, a visit from the Easter Bunny!! Look for upcoming details of a scavenger hunt all weekend sponsored by ResortQuest!

Summer activities and programs will begin on June 11

We will update the website towards the end of March with a complete guide to summer fun. A Reminder: Registration will open April 1, 2018 for the following summer activities: Club Sea Colony, Kid’s Night Out, Junior Lifeguards, Group Swim Lessons and NEW this year- Colony Kids. This is a mini version of our Oldie but Goodie, Club Sea Colony for children 4-10 years old.

The Tennis Schedule is Packed

Tennis Director Thomas Johnston, Assistant Tennis Director Alex Justiniani and Professional Katie Youlios are teaching adult and junior camps, the after-school junior program, a variety of clinics and private lessons as well as running tournaments and social events. A complete schedule will be posted on the website in late March. Meanwhile, remember to take advantage of your Homeowner discounts for the pro shop and programming.

Marketing & Communications

The 2018 Sea Colony Play Book is nearing completion. The format was modified as a result of owners’ suggestions in the End of Season Survey. We have new and many returning advertisers, which we encourage you to support. We’ve added televisions to the Freeman Fitness Center Weight Room, the Security Lobby and the Sea Colony Beach Shoppe to provide up-to-date information and schedules of Sea Colony happenings. Be sure to look for these on your next trip to Sea Colony. Look for new photos and information on the Fitness/Activities section of

See Vitamin Sea -- and More has added several new features including “Vitamin Sea,” our look at area attractions and news you can use. In addition, we’ve been keeping everyone posted on snow storms, winter programs and the latest Sea Colony news on our various Facebook pages. Check:

Security Update

The Security team has spent the winter checking buildings and monitoring vehicles for proper passes. Our community has also been protected by frequent patrols by the Delaware State Police. As spring rolls around we’ll be reinstating the Westway monitoring program to turn away vehicles that do not display Sea Colony identification.

HGTV/Beachfront Bargain Hunters’ Surprise

We finally got our close up!! On February 11th Sea Colony was featured on the popular HGTV series Beach Front Bargain Hunt. If you have missed the premiere, it is scheduled to replay on March 9th at 7 p.m. also, keep an eye on the HGTV schedule as the features tend to be re-run throughout the season.


We are extending our maintenance contract with the Sposato Landscaping Co. We are also increasing our oversight of the firm’s work with several new contract checkpoints and a semi-annual review. Our objective is to maintain Sea Colony as a premier vacation location. That includes attractive landscaping and healthy lawns.

We’ve listened to you, and we’re spending the winter and spring adjusting our program and preparing for a great peak season ahead. Our goal is simple: Make 2018 Sea Colony’s best Summer yet!!

See you next issue!!

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