Assemble your teams for the third annual Delmarva Junior Team Tennis Championships, held Saturday and Sunday, December 8-9, on the indoor courts at the Sea Colony Tennis Center.

Format: Teams will consist of four players (regardless of gender) and each match will consist of two singles matches and a doubles match. Players will play one set with no ad scoring. The tournament will be a round robin format with the two teams with the best records after round robin play competing on Sunday afternoon in the finals.
Entry Fee: $30, includes refreshments, t-shirts and prizes.
To Register:
Click "Have a Team ID" or "Register for a Team"
Enter the team ID # for your team: (see Team ID #s below) and click Enter.
Enter the players USTA #.
If not a USTA Member, click Sign up as Non-member. This will bring up a new window to create an account. Make sure to write down your child's Tennis Link ID#. Go back to Tennis Link screen and enter Tennis Link ID #.
Click Proceed to Checkout.
Enter in credit card information and click Submit. You can also pay online with a check by clicking e-check and entering account and routing numbers.
12 and Under Intermediate – Team ID # 3506369497 / 12 and Under Advanced – Team ID # 3506369496 13 and Over Intermediate – Team ID # 3506369499 / 13 and Over Advanced – Team ID # 3506369498
Practice: Teams and or individuals are welcome to participate in our junior tennis academy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For information regarding our junior tennis program or any of our Sea Colony programs, visit our website at
Format: Teams will consist of 4 players (regardless of gender) and each match will consist of 2 singles matches and a doubles match. Players will play one set with no ad scoring. The tournament will be a round robin format with the two teams with the best records after round robin play competing on Sunday afternoon in the finals.
Coaches: If you would like to enter a team, please have the players register at the link above.
CONTACT INFORMATION: For more information, please email Alex Justiniani, Assistant Director of Tennis, at or call 302-539-4488.