Sea Colony’s Tennis Center was named a Gold Medal Resort by Tennis Resorts Online, placing 18th among the top 75 Tennis Resorts in the world. Sea Colony Tennis Camps were among the Top 20 in the world and scored Silver Medal status. Sea Colony’s Junior Program ranked No. 4 for Best Resort Junior Tennis Program. These standings are based on survey results published annually from reviews from tennis vacationers’ experiences with resorts and camps between May 1, 2018 and April 30, 2019.
TennisResortsOnline.com Editor Roger Cox said, “What is not immediately evident from these rankings, however, is just how tight the competition was, not only for the coveted No. 1 positions, but across the board. All of the resorts and camps listed here have a proven record of catering attentively to the needs of avid tennis players.” Tennis Committee Chair Rich Kent said, “Good news here! We beat a lot of really great resorts.” Congratulations to Tennis Director Thomas Johnston and all who contributed to this success!