1. How do I reserve beach chairs or equipment online?
Beach Chairs are reserved in person. Once you arrive at Sea Colony, are checked in and have your badges, you can proceed to the beach concession stations and the crew will take care of your weekly and/or daily reservations.
2. We have noticed kids biking and people walking dogs on the Promenade. Have the rules been relaxed? Or with all of the COVID-19 sanitizing that you have to do, is there less of a security presence to monitor this?
Thanks for the questions on Promenade activities. The rules have not been relaxed, dogs and bikes are not permitted on the Promenade. Our Security staff is leaner this year because of the impact of Covid-19, the gates are staffed and the Promenade and beach are patrolled. We have added patrols to the Promenade to curb violations.
3. How do I measure internet in my unit? Sometimes it seems slow.
It’s best to measure your internet speed with a computer that is directly connected to the cable modem. If your PC network card supports 1gb speeds you should see between 300mbps and 400mbps download speed (using www.speedtest.net). Upload Speed should be between 20mbps and 30mbps.
If you are using WiFi, your speed depends on the device you are using, where the Comcast cable modem is placed, and distance. First, it’s best to have your Comcast cable modem placed where it can be seen (i.e. on a shelf or on top of your TV stand). Also, ensure your cable connections are tight and the cable modem has been rebooted (unplugged, wait 10 seconds then plug in and wait for it to complete its restart).
For example if you are using an iPhone 11 and are within 5 feet of the Comcast cable modem, you should see speeds very similar to above (300mbps and 20mbps). If you are 25 feet away (still using the same device) you should see speeds around 200mbps. Your speed will drop about 10% for every 10 feet you are away from the cable modem (a single concrete wall or floor between you and the cable modem can drop your speed around 25% + the distance).
If you are using an iPhone 6 and are within 5 feet from the Comcast cable modem, you speed will be a little less than 100mbps, as older devices have internal WiFi that do not support the newer WiFi speeds. An iPhone 5 will only get you 54mbps as the maximum supported by its internal WiFi is 54mbps.
Unfortunately, PC, phone and laptop speeds are all over the place as different manufacturers save money by using older WiFi devices. Check out the table from https://www.pearsonitcertification.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1329709&seqNum=4 that shows the max speed based on your internal WiFi device.
When checking speeds, it’s always best to measure your speed directly connected to the cable modem.
4. Do you still offer beach shuttles from the Tennis side of the colony to the beach side?
Trams are running under Social Distancing restrictions. Please go to https://seacolony.ridesystems.net/default.aspx to access the TramTracker. You can also go to seacolony.com to get the Sea Colony App which will provide more information on our community. You can track the trams via our TramTracker in-app feature.
5. What are the current restrictions due to COVID-19? How is the occupancy in the elevators managed and are there any other rules/restrictions we should be aware of?
Masks are required in common areas and elevators. We also required the use of masks at The Freeman Fitness Center & The Sea Colony Tennis Center (unless actively working out or playing tennis). Our elevator policy is one family at a time. There are occupancy restrictions for the pools and weight room. More information can be found on seacolony.com.