1. How do I print the liability waiver so that I can bring it with me when we rent?
The online form that can be found at seacolony.com/waiver is automatically filed with the Beach Shop staff when it’s submitted. Once you hit submit, an electronic copy will be sent directly to us here at the Beach Shoppe. You will also get a copy sent to the email address that you provide. If you are more comfortable with filling out a paper form, please use the form on this link and be sure you bring it with you when you arrive.
2. We are staying at a property as guests and I had a few questions regarding COVID-19 preparedness. Could you let me know what cleaning policies and social distancing policies are in place at Sea Colony? I'm having a hard time finding information.
Please refer to the Sea Colony website, seacolony.com. All facilities have detailed protocols in place.
Masks are required in the following locations:
The Promenade
Tennis Gazebos
Sea Colony Beach Shoppe
Freeman Fitness Center
All Elevators
Situations in which is it impossible to remain 6 ft from others
*We ask that you have a mask on your person at all times.
Our cleaning procedures were detailed in a previous edition of The Weekly Five, linked here.
We hear your feedback on making this information more easily accessible. We're currently working on a section of our website that is intended to be a comprehensive resource for our current procedures, guidelines, and response to COVID-19. Expect to see that resource available to you next week.
3. Will there be chair rentals down in front of Island and Harbour house after Aug 15?
At this time, pending staff availability, we will keep the three beach concessions operating until Labor Day. If the beach staff returns to school, they will leave in mid-August. They don't yet know what their schools plans are for on-campus or online courses. Once their schedule is confirmed, we will know, too and then be able to notify our owners and guests.
4. How do Owners go about renting a parking space?
Visit seacolony.com and click on the "Owners" link. Log in using your registered account credentials (username and password), and the On Demand Parking reservation link, which is available to owners only, is right below the photo of the lifeguard boat on the landing page.
5. What time do the trams and shuttles usually stop for the day?
Sea Colony’s tram system runs daily from 9 am to 9 pm most of the summer.